Light Dragon

Available at Level 17
Incubation Time 09:00:00
Rarity Common
Type White
Buy 150,000 Gold
Sell Value 100 Gold
XP 780 XP
Breedable No

Additional Light Dragon Information

Thousands of years ago Light Dragons were as numerous as Fire Dragons, until one morning when the sun failed to rise, and they vanished from the Earth. From that moment until today no one has set eyes on a Light Dragon. Exactly, 10,000 years had passed since that one dawnless-day when all Light Dragons disappeared, and almost to make up for the solar deficit so long ago, a second star rose on the tail of our setting sun. This Second Sun washed the world in radiant white. Buried beneath the Earth, wrapped in its own roots for countless millennia, a magical oak reached up through the dirt to bask in the light of the new sun. From it appeared a spirit called Tala, Lightbringer. Tala called herself the Lightbringer, for she was the spirit of the Dawn Tree. For 10,000 years she had rested with the roots of the tree cradling the last remaining Light Dragon egg; waiting patiently for the world to beg for the dragon's return.
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